00:32:50 ! Flamme (Quit: Leaving...) 00:55:42 ! KITE (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 04:08:13 ! syo (Quit: Leaving...) 07:11:11 ! jen (Quit: Leaving...) 10:11:14 + syo (syo!syo@ to #openTRPG@cre 13:43:48 + KITE (KITE!KITE@d61-11-163-170.cna.ne.jp) to #openTRPG@cre 13:44:05 Mode by koi-chanSRV: #openTRPG@cre +o KITE 14:11:04 + KITE_ (KITE_!KITE@d61-11-163-170.cna.ne.jp) to #openTRPG@cre 14:11:32 Mode by koi-chanSRV: #openTRPG@cre +o KITE_ 14:12:54 ! KITE (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 15:55:00 ! kairi (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 17:44:10 + meltdown (meltdown!meltdown@p5711006-ipoe.ipoe.ocn.ne.jp) to #openTRPG@cre 21:37:23 + ash_ (ash_!ash@61-27-158-107.rev.home.ne.jp) to #openTRPG@cre 22:23:12 ! ash_ (Quit: Leaving...) 22:26:10 + jen (jen!jen@i222-151-7-125.s41.a010.ap.plala.or.jp) to #openTRPG@cre